Common Back Pain

The American Pain Society stresses the importance of relieving any type of pain, especially if it prevents you from doing your daily activities. Back pain is a common type of pain. Many cannot perform because of it. Understanding this pain is important in finding the most suitable treatment. Here are the details that you must consider.

Back Pain is Common


Back pain can result from an injury to the tendons or muscles in the back. It could also be caused by disc injuries, arthritis, and different structural problems. Pain in the back can be mild to severe. In some people, the pain can make any type of movement almost impossible.

Your pain may go away with medication, rest, and physical therapy. Sometimes, surgery may be the only solution. If you want to lower your risk of back pain, you should stay active and maintain a healthy weight.

Studies show that four people out of five experience back pain. It is a common reason for visiting a healthcare provider. Some may be more prone to this type of pain than others. Here are the risk factors for back pain:

  • General health becomes a risk factor if you have a sedentary lifestyle, drink excessive amounts of alcohol, or smoke many packs a day.

  • Age contributes to back pain if you are over 30 years old. The spinal discs weaken and wear down as you grow older.

  • Lifestyle and occupation are risk factors if you bend or lift heavy objects.

  • Weight can contribute to back pain. Excess weight can put more pressure on the vertebral discs or joints.

  • A family history of osteoarthritis and other diseases can put you at risk for back pain.

  • Mental health issues, such as anxiety and depression, can cause this pain.

  • Structural conditions like scoliosis can change the alignment of your spine and cause pain.


The Symptoms


The symptoms may be gradual or sudden. The pain may spread to the back of your legs or your buttocks. Picking something that you dropped or bending the wrong way can trigger back pain. You may feel dull or sharp pain. A popping sound may occur as well. The pain may get better if you rest and lie down.

Bad posture can cause back pain. This can make your body appear bent or crooked with your lower back flat. Stiffness is also a symptom of back pain. It can be difficult to move or even stand. Your lower back can contract all the time. These spasms can cause severe pain.

The Causes


Spasms and strains in the back can cause back pain. You can strain your back by twisting, sneezing, or even coughing. Bulging vertebral discs, arthritis, and spinal tumors can bring about discomfort. Fractures in the spine from a fall or crash can cause this pain. Ruptured discs can put pressure on the spinal nerve and trigger pain.

For more on back pain, visit ReAlignMed at our office in Chicago, Illinois. Call 773-665-4400 to book an appointment today.

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