Does Laser Hair Removal Also Improve Skin?

Is it difficult to frequently remove unwanted hair? If so, laser hair removal is an option worth considering as it is one of the most popular hair treatments. Besides removing unwanted hair, this treatment can also help with issues such as ingrown hairs or hyperpigmentation. 

What is Laser Hair Removal?


Laser removal is worth the investment when looking for the most effective hair removal treatment. It is a medical treatment that uses a laser to remove hair.

During treatment, a laser emits a concentrated beam of light. Melanin in the hair absorbs this light and converts it to energy, damaging the hair follicles within the skin. Targeting the hair follicles aims to delay or inhibit future hair growth. 

Effects of Laser Hair Removal on the Skin


You now have a good idea of how this treatment works. However, few people know that laser hair removal can also improve the appearance and texture of the skin.

Effects on the Skin Surface


The benefits of this treatment are not only skin-deep. The laser used during treatment works on the skin's surface to address issues related to sun damage, like discoloration and freckles. Laser hair removal can also help even your skin tone and shrink the size of your skin pores.

Effects on the Dermis


The laser heats the skin tissue as it penetrates the dermis, stimulating the production of new collagen. One of the most critical factors that keep your skin plump and tight is collagen. So, laser hair removal helps improve your skin at every level. 

Skin Rejuvenation


Skin rejuvenation is the process of addressing damage to the epidermis, the top layer of the skin. Surface damage may accumulate over time due to exposure to the sun, the natural aging process, accumulated skin cells, and pollution. Laser hair removal can improve the texture of your skin by evening out your skin tone and getting rid of sunspots. You should notice a significant improvement after six treatments.

Skin Tightening


Laser energy penetrates deep into the layers of your skin to prevent or improve the appearance of wrinkles. As you age, your body produces less collagen. Furthermore, the collagen you have starts to break down. The heat produced by the laser stimulates the production of collagen in your body, resulting in younger-looking, supple, and tighter skin. 

Laser hair removal is an excellent way to eliminate unwanted hair and improve skin health. If you are considering this treatment, do your homework or consult a skin specialist. The treatment requires at least six treatments scheduled six to eight weeks apart.

For more on laser hair removal, visit ReAlignMed at our office in Chicago, Illinois. Call 773-665-4400 to schedule an appointment today.

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