EMSCULPT® for Men: How it Can Help Achieve a Sculpted Physique

When you want to get into shape, dieting and consistent exercising are the conventional way to do it. Every fitness expert will tell you the same thing: It will take time and commitment. However, some men may have the mental fortitude for commitment but need more time. Others have the time, but it is difficult to muster enough mental fortitude for months. In comes EMSCULPT®.

Getting in shape is one of those things that every man admires and secretly wants. Even if you are not into working out in the gym or into cardio or running, seeing another man in shape will always draw your attention. It displays mental fortitude, discipline, and mastery of your own body.



EMSCULPT is a technology that employs focused energy to produce intense contractions. The contractions are more powerful and effective than voluntary contractions. It uses HIFEM or high-intensity focused electromagnetic energy to induce contractions. The technology works for both men and women, producing results much quicker than going to the gym.

How Does EMSCULPT Work?


The technology uses energy pulses to stimulate your muscles to contract. According to some sources, it can induce in 30 minutes the impact of 20,000 sit-ups when used on the stomach. The technology not only works for muscle growth, but it also helps you burn fat as you build muscle.

Building Muscle


While EMSCULPT does not provide 100 percent muscle buildup, it still produces a significant impact. It is especially so if you have already done some work and all you need is a little boost. The technology can increase your muscle density by about 16 percent.

Breaking Down Fats


The contractions that the technology induces encourage the body to release epinephrine. Epinephrine breaks down fat in stubborn areas. The process by which epinephrine breaks down fats is called lipolysis. Fat breakdown through the technology is at an impressive 19 percent.



Most sculpting options you will find on the market are surgical options. But with EMSCULPT, the results come surgery-free, and the treatment is entirely noninvasive.

No Downtime


Unlike other surgical options, EMSCULPT does not need any downtime for you to reap the benefits. You can have the thirty-minute procedure to or from work.

For more on how EMSCULPT for men can help you achieve a sculpted physique, visit ReAlignMed at our office in Chicago, Illinois. Call phone: 773-665-4400 to book an appointment today.

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