Using Emsculpt Flank Paddles to Target Your Love Handles and Obliques

If you have love handles, it may be hard to lose weight in that area naturally. Fortunately, body contouring can help get rid of stubborn fat in the abdominal area. 

Emsculpt is a non-invasive treatment that targets fat deposits on the body while also strengthening the obliques. The precise contouring technique uses electromagnetic energy stimulation to eliminate the fat. 

Emsculpt Body Contouring Treatment


Emsculpt can help shape the abdominal area, creating your dream body. The non-surgical treatment can tone or build muscle, getting rid of pockets of fat. During treatment, panels help direct focused electromagnetic energy to the area. 

The high-intensity energy triggers muscle contractions, like those experienced during rigorous workouts. A 30-minute session can result in 20,000 muscle contractions while lying comfortably and without breaking a sweat. It is similar to performing 20,000 lunges or crunches. 

Using Emsculpt for Love Handles 


The fat that accumulates around the abdomen or mid-region can be hard to eliminate for men and women. Emsculpt is effective for treating the abdominal or flank area, helping get rid of stubborn love handles. 

The treatment can also help sculpt the buttocks, arms, thighs, and other muscular areas. It helps tone and improve the overall body by building muscle. Most patients experience results after four treatment sessions scheduled three days apart. 

Benefits of Emsculpt Treatment


Below are several reasons why people choose to use Emsculpt to get rid of stubborn fat:

  • It is a safe, non-invasive, and painless body contouring technique.

  • The treatment is comfortable, and it targets the area of concern. 

  • Using two applicators or panels can help treat two areas at once. 

  • There is no downtime, so you can return to your duties immediately after treatment. 

  • Most people experience results after a few treatments. 


Results After Emsculpt Treatment 


Studies show that many patients experience an almost 20 percent increase in muscle and fat reduction. The body is more muscular and leaner after treatment, which also helps increase metabolism. It makes it easier to burn calories and maintain the new shape. 

Patients notice immediate improvements, but results continue to develop for three months after the treatment. Gradual improvements benefit those who want to look muscular and leaner over several weeks. Regular exercise and a healthy diet will help ensure long-term results. 

Ideal Candidates for Emsculpt


Results of Emsculpt differ depending on the individual. Good candidates for the contouring procedure are:

  • People looking for a non-invasive body contouring treatment. 

  • Individuals in relatively good shape who want to tone or sculpt their bodies.

  • People within their ideal goal weight who want to get rid of pockets of stubborn fat.

  • Those with a healthy lifestyle who want to deal with a few problem spots. 

  • People who want to build strength or muscle. 

  • Individuals who want to improve their posture, alleviating back pain.

Emsculpt is not ideal for pregnant women or people with metal implants in the treatment area. For the best results, be ready to maintain healthy habits after the treatment. It is not a weight-loss solution, but it can help reduce fat in the target area. 

For more about Emsculpt flank paddles, visit ReAlignMed at our Chicago, Illinois, office. Call 773-665-4400 to schedule an appointment today.

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