Frequently Asked Questions About EMSELLA®

The underlying cause of inconsistency in women is a weakened pelvic floor. The pelvic floor often weakens during or after pregnancy due to hormonal imbalance and menopause. A strong pelvic floor allows the body to control the bowels and the bladder. Urinary inconsistency is a result of uncontrollable or involuntary bladder leaks. 

Lack of control over urinary inconsistency may cause women to avoid medical treatment because of shame and doubt. One of the treatment options for this condition includes EMSELLA®. This is a noninvasive, nonsurgical treatment for the inconsistency caused by a weakened pelvic floor. With it, the patient sits on a chair with an electromagnetic pulse to work out her pelvic floor muscles.

Does EMSELLA Work for Everyone, and When Do You Need the Treatment?


EMSELLA is not just for older women who suffer from inconsistency. Women of all ages and young postmortem mothers with pelvic floor disorder benefit from the treatment. Men with inconsistency and pelvic problems can also benefit from the treatment.

The treatment is necessary when it affects your sleep because you must wake up at night numerous times. You also need treatment if the condition causes stress and anxiety and affects your normal activities.

Why Choose EMSELLA?


Most patients will find relief from the conditions that lead them to this treatment. For example, chances of urinating from exercising, coughing, and sneezing greatly reduce after an individual goes through this treatment.

Other benefits of EMSELLA treatment include:

  • Improvement of the sexual life of couples undergoing the treatment.

  • No recovery time or rest time after the treatment.

  • The necessity of invasive surgery reduces significantly.

  • Some people with chronic lower back pain can find relief.

  • No need to remove the attire you came with. The patient wears the same attire they came in.

The research for EMSELLA for men is still in its infancy. It is slowly becoming a treatment for inconsistency in men.

How Does EMSELLA Treatment Feel?

This treatment is painless. The patient only sits on the EMSELLA chair, fully clothed, for the entire treatment session. Many patients have experienced a tapping feeling when the seat is kept in place. You will experience contractions, vibrations, and tingling as the chair operates. Most patients describe the contraction in the pelvic muscles as a pelvic floor workout. The entire session is harmless.

How Does This Treatment Help Urinary Inconsistency?


It uses high-intensity focused electromagnetic technology. The pelvic floor becomes larger and tighter as the HIFM technology cause contractions beyond the usual limits. A tighter and larger pelvic floor will lessen the amount of leaking you get from stress inconsistencies. This chair produces 11,000 to 12,000 Kegels in 30 minutes. Kegels reduces urinary inconsistencies by increasing the pelvic floor tone.

How Many Sessions of Treatments Do You Need?


An EMSELLA session takes 30 minutes, six to eight sessions a week. Additional treatments may be necessary based on the severity of the situation. 

Some patients will observe improvement after the first session. The symptoms will continue to improve over the next couple of weeks. Others will see maximum improvement after two to three months of their last treatment.

Urinary inconsistency is a significant problem affecting women and men of all ages. If you experience uncontrolled leaking, consider EMSELLA treatment. It is a painless treatment with no surgical procedures.

For more about EMSELLA treatment, visit ReAlignMed at our office in Chicago, Illinois. Call 773-665-4400 to book an appointment today.

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