Importance of Strengthening Your Pelvic Floor

The pelvic floor refers to the funnel-shaped muscles at the base of your pelvis. Weakening of these muscles can result in a loss of structural support for different organs. These organs include the bladder, bowel, and uterus. It can result in incontinence, genitourinary prolapse, sexual dysfunction, and pelvic pain.

You can engage in special exercises to strengthen these muscles. But if you are already experiencing incontinence or prolapse, you need to see a pelvic floor specialist.

Functions of the Pelvic Floor

The pelvic floor muscles support the uterus, bladder, and bowel. They create resistance to increases in abdominal or intra-pelvic pressure. The pressure can increase during activities like lifting heavy objects or coughing. The pelvic floor muscles also have a sphincter action on the urethra and rectum, relaxing them to allow urination and defecation.

Pelvic Floor Weakening

When your pelvic floor weakens, the muscles cannot relax or work together as they should. It results in constipation, frequent peeing, pain during sex, erectile dysfunction, and incontinence. Experts have yet to ascertain what causes the weakening, but some conditions may trigger it. These conditions include pregnancy, surgery, aging, overuse of the pelvic muscles, and being overweight.

Strengthening Your Pelvic Floor

It is crucial to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles. It will give your organs the support they need. Strong muscles prevent incontinence and prolapse. Here are a few more reasons why it is important to strengthen your pelvic floor.

Improves Posture

Strong pelvic floor muscles translate into a strong core. It improves your posture and stabilizes the back muscles. Lower back pain often results from pelvic floor dysfunction. But exercising and strengthening your pelvic floor muscles will stabilize your back muscles and deal with lower back pain, improving your lower back strength.

Prevents Urinary Incontinence During Pregnancy and Post-Pregnancy

If you are planning to get pregnant—or if you are already—start doing pelvic floor exercises. They will lower your chances of developing urinary incontinence during pregnancy and after having your baby. Exercising and strengthening your pelvic floor can also lead to a shorter labor.

Ushering your baby into the world is not only tiring and demanding for you but also for your pelvis floor muscles. These muscles stretch during pregnancy to accommodate the uterus. As the pelvic floor muscles stretch, they become weaker. Exercising will help strengthen them. Continue the exercises even after pregnancy. If you need help, get the services of a pelvic floor specialist.

Slows Down Incontinence As You Age

Lack of awareness of the pelvic floor muscles leads to their weakening. When you learn to isolate them while they still function, it is easier to strengthen them as you age. Kegel exercises will slow down incontinence. They improve muscle control and function.


Finding Your Pelvic Floor Specialist

When finding a pelvic floor specialist, settle on someone who makes you feel comfortable. It is a personal relationship where you will discuss intimate things about your life. Hence, you need to get someone you can commit to and work with to improve your condition.

For more information on the importance of strengthening your pelvic floor, call ReAlignMed at 773-665-4400 to reach our office in Chicago, Illinois.

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