How Often Should You Include Emsculpt NEO® in Your Schedule

Staying trim remains the goal of many, but demanding lifestyles make it difficult to maintain a regular exercise routine and a restrictive diet. That is why more and more people are considering Emsculpt NEO® for a little boost. Knowing how often you must have this treatment can help you set a schedule for it. Here are the details that you must consider.

How Emsculpt NEO Works


Emsculpt NEO is a 30-minute treatment that can burn fat and build muscles. The FDA-approved treatment can remove fat and tone your muscles. It can boost your health and fitness efforts. It does so by using RF (radiofrequency) and HIFEM (high-intensity focused electromagnetic).

RF energy can go through the skin without doing any harm to the tissues. It can break down the fat cells so that the body can remove them as waste. HIFEM energy can stimulate the muscles to contract, doing so much faster than they do when you work out. This makes Emsculpt NEO more effective in helping you reach your muscle toning goals.

The Number of Emsculpt NEO Sessions


The first series may need six treatments. At least four Emsculpt NEO sessions can help you achieve the body that you want. The forms of energy in this treatment can work separately. But research shows that they are more effective when you get them in combination. Having two to three days of rest after each session is ideal. The maintenance treatment can happen every three or four months.

Target Areas


The most difficult areas to tone are your buttocks, thighs, and calves. Your upper arms and abdomen are also difficult targets. These parts of the body have large muscles that are ideal for strengthening and firming. They are also areas that tend to hang on to fat. That is why it is extra challenging to remove the fat in these areas. With Emsculpt NEO, you can achieve the figure that you have always wanted.



During your Emsculpt NEO treatment sessions, your muscles will experience stress. Your muscles will become stronger and increase in mass as a response to this stress. Losing fat through this treatment can take about three months as the body removes your damaged fat tissue. Studies reveal that Emsculpt NEO can build up to 25 percent more muscle mass and remove up to 30 percent of fat tissue. Maintaining your results is possible through healthy lifestyle changes and Emsculpt NEO sessions a few times every year.



People who have Emsculpt NEO treatments find the experience pleasant and stress-free. You only need 30 minutes of exposure to the two different types of energy. The treatment will not need anesthetics or needles. The treatment specialist will simply place the paddles on your skin to focus the energy on those target areas. The two applicators will enable the specialist to target many areas of the body. Your muscles will contract without any pain. There will be no downtime, so you can go back to your regular activities right away after each session.

For more on Emsculpt NEO, visit ReAlignMed at our office in Chicago, Illinois. Call 773-665-4400 to book an appointment today.

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