Resolutions 101


Big Things Come From Small Beginnings

We all start the year off with high minded hopes and calculations on a better, fuller, richer life. Every gym is crammed with extra people trying to frantically sweat off the carbo-loading that was November and December. People are on a drastic cleanses designed to whiplash your internal systems into a state of complete shock. Seriously, right now half the people you pass on the street are trying to survive on celery and some fiber pills. Throw in the weather and the after-holiday blues, and you have a recipe for a very surly population. And for most people, that “January New Me” leads to a “February of Old Disappointment.” Here’s your chance to just break up that old paradigm and move to a healthier way of thinking, and that will lead you to a healthier way of being.

Embrace Winter

Winters are actually made for introspection and it’s through self-examination that real change happens. When it’s dark and cold out, this is the best opportunity to hunker down a little and start setting realistic goals for the rest of the year. What’s one thing you can do every day, in the morning, to feel better about yourself? Something simple and accessible. Make your bed? Ten minutes of quiet? Twenty sit-ups while watching to the morning news? Do one small thing and build on that.

It’s a Marathon, Not a Sprint

If you want to be significantly more healthy in 2020, that will come with significant change. And we’re here to help. At ReAlignMed we want to work with you to build a foundation of healthy habits and medicine that will lead you to your best self. We look at every one of our clients from a holistic perspective, because aging, body health, and sexual health are all intertwined. Our focus is on tailoring an individual program of health and wellbeing for each unique person that walks through our doors.

Support is Key

It’s really hard to make those big changes on your own. People fail at their resolutions because they’re stumbling around in the dark just reacting to the latest diet fad advert from twitter or email about the New’s Years special at the local gym. It can be overwhelming, especially if you don’t have all the science on your side. We have so many clients walk through our doors who have just been stuck in the same rut. Going through the same motions every year. But once they realize how our programs can help them - it just gets easier. Sustainable change is possible, with science and good habits. That’s why we’re here.

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