The Effects of Low Cholesterol and How Replacement Can Help

Cholesterol problems often occur when a person has high cholesterol levels. Cholesterol, a fatty substance, can block arteries and impair blood flow. That raises the risk of cardiovascular disease. If not controlled, that may result in heart attacks or strokes.

Your cholesterol levels can be too low. Low cholesterol levels may contribute to cancer, anxiety, and depression. The proper operation of many organs depends on cholesterol, a vital body component. 


Understanding Cholesterol


The liver makes cholesterol, a fat you can get from your diet. It is necessary for the development of cell membranes. It is also crucial in the synthesis of hormones like testosterone and estrogen.


The Ideal Cholesterol Levels


Experts consider less than 200 mg/dL of cholesterol ideal for adults. Yet, the ideal level may differ based on age, gender, and underlying medical conditions.


Effects of Low Cholesterol

  • Increased Risk of Cancer

Studies suggest that low cholesterol may increase your risk of developing cancer. One potential explanation for this is that cholesterol contributes to cell membrane creation. Cancer cells need membranes to create and reproduce. So, low cholesterol levels may contribute to cancer cell growth.

  • Increased Risk of Depression and Anxiety

Some studies link low cholesterol to a higher likelihood of anxiety and depression. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter crucial for controlling your mood. Cholesterol plays a significant role in its production. So, low cholesterol levels may cause serotonin levels to drop. That can contribute to symptoms of anxiety and depression.

  • Memory Impairment

The proper operation of the brain depends on cholesterol. Low cholesterol levels may be a factor in memory loss and cognitive decline. That is particularly so in older adults.

  • Increased Risk of Infections

The immune system responds to cholesterol in various ways. It may become weakened by low cholesterol levels. That can make it more challenging for the body to fight infections.

  • Digestive Problems

Cholesterol plays an essential role in bile production. This fluid helps with fat digestion and absorption. Low cholesterol levels can cause various digestive issues. These include diarrhea, bloating, and pain in the abdomen.

Cholesterol Replacement Therapy


People with deficient cholesterol levels can opt for cholesterol replacement therapy. It involves taking supplements containing cholesterol to increase the levels in the body. Most dietary supplements used in treatment come from animal sources like beef, egg yolk, and dairy. They are available in liquid formulations, tablets, and capsules.


Benefits of Cholesterol Replacement Therapy

  • Improved Cognitive Function

The nervous system needs cholesterol to function properly. That is because it is a crucial component of the brain. Replacement therapy may enhance cognition and memory in people with deficient cholesterol levels.

  • Reduced Risk of Infections

It also influences the immune system's performance. It may be more challenging for the body to fight off infections if there are low cholesterol levels. That is due to a weakened immune system. Replacement therapy may help reduce the risk by improving immune system function.

  • Improved Digestive Function

Cholesterol replacement therapy may improve digestive function. It helps restore the levels required for bile production.

  • Reduced Risk of Depression and Anxiety

This therapy can restore the cholesterol levels necessary for serotonin production. That may help lower the risk of depression and anxiety.


Do you have low cholesterol levels? If so, cholesterol replacement therapy may be a useful therapeutic option. Before beginning such therapy, discuss the advantages and disadvantages with a healthcare professional. 

For more on low cholesterol, visit ReAlignMed at our Chicago, Illinois office. Call 773-917-0900 to schedule an appointment today.

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