The Importance of Consistent Treatments for Herniated Disc Pain

A herniated disk can occur anywhere on the spine, but it is most common in the lower back. Many people experience a burning or sharp pain that radiates from the lower back. It usually travels through the buttock down to the leg. 

The condition is sometimes known as a protruding, bulging, or ruptured disc. It is a common cause of back pain. Between 60% to 80% of individuals suffer from lower back pain at some point. For some, the pain is due to a herniated disc. 

The condition can be painful, but a few weeks of treatment provides relief. There are various types of treatment, and their effectiveness ranges in individuals. Most people try several options to get the best results. 


Causes of Herniated Disc Pain


A herniated disc can be a result of age-related wear and tear. The natural aging process can cause disc degeneration as the discs lose water content and become less flexible. The pain can also be due to falls, improper lifting, frequent driving, and repetitive activities. 

Some people have a higher risk of developing herniated disc pain. Men are more likely to get the pain. Other risk factors are being overweight, having a sedentary lifestyle, and smoking. 


Relieving Muscle Pain and Tension


Heat and cold therapy can help relieve muscle pain and tension, which are symptoms of herniated discs. The heat helps increase blood flow and loosen muscle tightness that causes spasms. It also helps improve connective tissue elasticity. 

Cold therapy helps reduce tissue temperature, producing an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect to reduce pain. Heat therapy can be used in the morning or before stretching to reduce muscle tension. A chiropractor can recommend the best heat and cold therapy devices. 


Releasing Endorphins 


Getting chiropractic treatment for a herniated disc can help release endorphins. The chiropractor can develop a treatment plan that includes spinal manipulation and exercises. It is helpful to participate in moderate physical activity to deal with a herniated disc. 

Staying active can relieve pain as the body releases endorphins that reduce pain perception and improve mood. Most people with herniated disc pain can tolerate low-impact exercises. Regular visits to the chiropractor will ensure you get consistent care for long-term pain relief. 


Getting Physical Therapy


Physical therapy can help reduce herniated disc pain. Specific techniques can ease sciatic pain. Depending on the symptoms, a therapist will recommend the best approach to treat lower back pain. 

Long-term rehabilitation can help strengthen the back and muscles. Consistent treatments are essential even after the herniated disc pain has reduced. It will help prevent or reduce the risk of recurrence of the condition. 


Massage and Myofascial Release


Massage and myofascial release (manual therapy) can help relieve herniated disc pain. Myofascial pain often originates from a herniated disc but can also be from other areas. Inactivity or poor posture can worsen the condition. 

Manual therapy helps relieve lower back pain. A treatment program that includes postural training can provide relief and improve physical strength. It usually takes several weeks to resolve the pain.

Herniated disc pain tends to worsen at night. Your sleep position may be placing pressure on the spine. Changing your sleep position and using pillow placement can provide pain relief. 

For more on the importance of consistent treatments for herniated disc pain, visit ReAlignMed at our Chicago, Illinois, office. Call 773-917-0900 to schedule an appointment today.

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